On the BabyDogeSwap home page click on EARN, a drop-down will show 3 options: FARMS, POOLS, and CREATE YOUR OWN. Click on Create your own.
This will take you to a screen where you will: Choose between Single Token (pool) or Token Pair (farm)
If you chose a single token (pool) you will then:
Choose the Token that users will stake
Select The start time of your pool. Decide if this pool has an end date (fixed period staking) versus a non-fixed period (don't add end time).
Select the token that the user will be rewarded
Select the daily amount of rewards provided and the total amount of rewards. In the case of fixed period staking the total will be automatically calculated. If you chose no fixed period (no end date) you will decide the total rewards you will provide here (has to be a larger number than the daily rewards).
Click NEXT
You will now choose the maximum amount of tokens that a single user can deposit/stake into your pool. This step is optional.
You will now select the minimum lock time that a user will need to stake their tokens. This step is optional
Another step is to now select if you will charge an emergency withdrawal fee. This step is optional and will be reflected as a percentage of staked/deposited amount.
If you choose to charge such a fee, please provide the withdrawal emergency fee receiver address
You can now click NEXT
This is the page on which you will review all of the provided information before creating your pool. Please review the footnote: Don't forget to exclude farm/pool address from any token fees/taxes after farm deployment, if possible.
If all information is correct go ahead and click create. If not you can always go back by clicking back to review the necessary fields
When you click create, the button will read: creating.... and a window will open to confirm your action on your wallet.
If your transaction is successful you will receive a notification on your screen and you will then be ready to click FUND to fund your pool.
Once you click FUND it will prompt a confirmation on your wallet to confirm the funding of your pool. The button will now read funding... When your transaction has been approved a pop-up confirming your transaction will read: Yay! Your liquidity farm/pool was successfully launched. Click OK
This will take you to your POOLS view list.
If you launched your pool successfully you will now have an option to ADD Rewards to your pool and edit it.
If you chose a token pair (farm) you will then:
Select the LP pair you want to be staked
Select The start time of your farm. Decide if this farm has an end date (fixed period staking) versus a non-fixed period (don't add end time).
Select the token that the user will be rewarded
Select the daily amount of rewards provided and the total amount of rewards. In the case of fixed period staking the total will be automatically calculated. If you chose no fixed period (no end date) you will decide the total rewards you will provide here (has to be a larger number than the daily rewards).
Click NEXT
You will now choose the maximum amount of tokens that a single user can deposit/stake into your farm. This step is optional.
You will now select the minimum lock time that a user will need to stake their tokens. This step is optional
Another step is to now select if you will charge an emergency withdrawal fee. This step is optional and will be reflected as a percentage of staked/deposited amount.
If you choose to charge such a fee, please provide the withdrawal emergency fee receiver address
If your reward token includes Reflections in its tokenomics, you can choose to send them to users by clicking on YES field.
You can now click NEXT
This is the page on which you will review all of the provided information before creating your farm. Please review the footnote: Don't forget to exclude farm/pool address from any token fees/taxes after farm deployment, if possible.
If all information is correct go ahead and click create. If not you can always go back by clicking back to review the necessary fields
When you click create, the button will read: creating.... and a window will open to confirm your action on your wallet.
If your transaction is successful you will receive a notification on your screen and you will then be ready to click FUND to fund your farm.
Once you click FUND it will prompt a confirmation on your wallet to confirm the funding of your farm. The button will now read funding... When your transaction has been approved a pop-up confirming your transaction will read: Yay! Your liquidity farm/pool was successfully launched. Click OK
This will take you to your FARMS view list.
If you launched your farm successfully you will now have an option to ADD Rewards to your farm and edit it.