BabyDogeSwap helps you make the most out of your crypto in four ways:
Swap, Earn, Save and Help Save the Dogs with the best community in Crypto.
Instantly swap crypto tokens: no account needed. Just Simply Swap.
Why spend more? BabyDogeSwap runs on Binance Smart Chain, a blockchain with fees that are much lower than Ethereum. Take advantage now. Our swap fees are lower than many other top dexs, so that's another win for you! We offer as low as 0% swap fees on specific pairs!
Swap directly from your wallet, period. Different from centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, BabyDogeSwap doesn’t hold your funds when you trade: you have 100% ownership of your own crypto at all times.
Earn BabyDoge and other tokens with high rewards rates at BabyDogeSwap.
Stake BabyDoge and earn more BabyDoge. Stake BabyDoge and earn other tokens too!
Stake LP tokens, Earn BabyDoge. You take on a little more exposure to market fluctuations then with the BabyDoge Pools, and in addition you can earn higher APR's to offset the risk. Simply deposit LP tokens into a farm and earn BabyDoge and other project tokens as rewards! All while also earning swap fees from the LP tokens.
No farm? No problem. Even if your swap pair isn’t supported on the Farms page, you can still earn swap fees when you stake your tokens in Liquidity Pools (LPs). And if you don't earn them by farming or staking you can still buy and sell them. We got you. Up to 0.2% of every swap goes to liquidity providers!
Our Smart Router has been upgraded burn a portion of its fees! Help support your favorite projects by swapping tokens. More details about our swap router system can be found HERE.
0.2% to LP providers
0.1% to treasury
Baby Doge Coin holder benefits
Hold 0 Baby Doge 0.3% Swap Fee
Hold 100 Trillion BabyDoge Get 70% OFF 0.09% Swap Fee
Hold 10 Trillion BabyDoge Get 50% OFF 0.15% Swap Fee
Hold 1 Trillion BabyDoge Get 30% OFF 0.21% Swap Fee
Hold 500 Billion BabyDoge Get 20% OFF 0.24% Swap Fee
Hold 100 Billion BabyDoge Get 15% OFF 0.25% Swap Fee
Hold 10 Billion BabyDoge Get 10% OFF 0.27% Swap Fee
Check out these BabyDogeSwap security audits:
Security best practices:
All our contracts use multisigs for all private key storage.
Sounds like fun?