General FAQ

This FAQ page answers some of the more commonly asked questions from the BabyDogeSwap community.

Is BabyDogeSwap safe? Has BabyDogeSwap been Audited?

See for yourself:

How can I stake BabyDoge?

You can stake your BabyDoge in BabyDogeSwap Pools. Visit the Pools page.

Read our How to Stake in Pools guide if you'd like a hand getting started with staking.

Please note that farms & pools labeled CORE are excluded from transfer fee of Baby Doge. All farms and pools that are Baby Doge and marked PUBLIC were created by third parties and will have a fee on transfer!

What is the difference between staking and farming?

Staking in Pools and farming with Yield Farming are both ways to earn more BabyDoge by supporting BabyDogeSwap.

Staking only needs some BabyDoge to be added to a Pool to earn BabyDoge or other tokens. Learn more about Pool staking.

Farming is more complicated and needs LP Tokens to earn BabyDoge. Learn more about Yield Farming.

How do I farm?

We have a Yield Farming guide if you're interested in learning how to farm.

How do I connect my wallet to Binance Smart Chain and BabyDogeSwap?

We have a Connect Your Wallet to BabyDogeSwap guide covering this in detail.

What's the best wallet for BabyDogeSwap?

It depends on your needs. We have an in-depth guide to selecting and creating a wallet that's right for you.

Why is my transaction failing?

You can check the status of a transaction on

Our Troubleshooting Errors guide may have a solution for your problem if you're having issues.

You can also see our Fixing Stuck Pending Transactions guide if you have a stuck transaction.

When will you open more pools?

New Pools are added to BabyDogeSwap frequently.

Did Farm APR calculation change?

Previously, rewards earned by LP Token-holders generated from trading fees were not included in Farm APR calculations. APR calculations now include these rewards, and better reflect the expected APR for Farm pairs.

How do I get airdrops?

Whenever there is an official airdrop on BabyDogeSwap it will be announced along with the requirements.

Please remember anyone can airdrop tokens to BabyDogeSwap users since every transaction is public on the blockchain & explorers like BscScan. Be sure to do your own research when it comes to non-official airdrops. To protect your funds, we recommend you don't use a smart contract you don't understand or from a source you don't trust.

How can I report a bug?

Learn about our bug bounty and potential bounty payouts.

Why does it say I have no BNB balance?

If you've already transferred BNB into your Binance Smart Chain-enabled wallet but still have this error, you're most likely not connected to Binance Smart Chain within your wallet. Check your wallet's selected network and make sure you have Binance Smart Chain (BSC) selected.

How do I vote?

To learn more about voting, you can read our section on Voting, including voting guides.

What are the treasury funds used for?

The treasury funds are used to cover the expenses involved in running BabyDogeSwap. These expenses include salaries, audits, prizes, hosting, upkeep, bounties, etc.

Where can I check the Analytics?

You can check the analytics of BabyDogeSwap by click on the "Analytics" tab on the top menu or by clicking the link below.

Analytics: Baby Doge Swap Analytics

After un-staking from a farm, the tokens didn't appear in my wallet?

When you stake tokens in a farm, you are actually staking a Liquidity Provider (LP) Token. Generally, wallets won't detect these without manually importing them. You can see your LP Tokens HERE. Remove your LP Tokens if you wish to receive back the original tokens.

I can't find an answer for my question. Where do I find an answer?

If you can't find what you're looking for in Baby Doge Swap documentation, ask your question on BabyDoge's official social media platforms and someone will do their best to help you out.